Saturday, September 29, 2007

Scenic image + Fences acting

I thought it was really funny how the gender roles were completely switched for the first scene performed in class. It made it very memorable. I was also surprised by the fact that a few minutes can make all the difference when it comes to performing a scene. As far as the performances went I thought the interpretations were interesting, but none of them really came close to what I had imagined. The character that differed the most was Gabriel as I had imagined him as constantly moving vs the portrayal of him entering and standing in one spot.

As for a scenic image from a movie that I remember- the end of water world. The main thing that stuck out to me was the sudden change in color from dull metal and sea blue to a sharp green. The contrast really made an impression.

1 comment:

AdamNBoyd said...

CHARLES! I agree about the scenes being nothing like I imagined, I think maybe thats because it was semi-cold reading though. I mean, we didn't hold any older black males or females to read the roles and (I'm assuming) thats how we all imagined them. Also, the set wasn't up, which always changes it.