Sunday, September 9, 2007

First Lab

Since I didn't add the course until later last week, thursday was my first theater lab. I wasn't sure what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. I must admit that although I don't remember anyones name, I do remember peoples' faces and some of the things they said about themselves. One thing I especially liked about the first activity where we talked about ourselves was the fact that since no one knows who you are, you can make yourself whoever you want to be. It is surprising how many people pour their hearts out to strangers. And who knows, maybe I did too.
I think I will get along with my group well and it will be interesting to be in a group with only two others. It seems that most of the other groups are 4 or more people. It might actually be a lot easier to work with only three in the group.
Finally, the excercises that we did were hilarious. I wasn't sure how putting our hands in each other's faces would help us learn about theater, but I did enjoy the activity.

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