Monday, September 17, 2007

The Philippines

My two best friends from home are both Philippino, so last Wednesdays lecture was very interesting. I went into class knowing close to nothing about Philippino history and to hear a first hand account was very interesting. However, I am not really sure how much of it to believe, especially after the disclaimer at the end that we should question everything we hear.

The one thing that I can relate to the most was the idea that most things are not confidential even if you are told they are. It seems that most things usually make it round to the eyes of those that aren't supposed to see or the ears of those who aren't supposed to hear. I have always been very reserved and usually keep my opinions to myself, but I learned that the hard way. It is sad to think that even friends have trouble keeping things to themselves.

I was surprised at how political the lecture was and how it was assumed that most in the audience held the same views as the speaker, especially towards Iraq. It was interesting to hear some comparisons to colonialism which I heartily disagree with. I also think that some of the assumptions in regards to our countries actions were false as well. However, I can understand the power of such sensitive subjects when it comes to speaking to prove a point. Good public speaking can be one of the most powerful tools that an individual has.

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