Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Out of all the aspects of a production, the lighting is probably the one that I know the least about. The lecture on lighting was very helpful in understanding not only its role but also how it is utilized. The beginning of the lecture was pretty straightforward talking about spotlights and the different amounts of light and shapes of light that could be used. What really caught my attention was the idea that since light isn't conciously noticed it is extremely important for mood and atmosphere. The color and intensity of the light and even the movement of the light all playing key roles had never occured to me. The lecture really showed me how complicated lighting is. I was also shocked to hear how many lights were used for the production of superman. All I know is I never want to do lighting for a production.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Other presentations

I was very impresessed with the monodramas that we saw today. It was very interesting to see so much about college acceptance since I `an relate to that. At the same time, I am a senior so that was awhile ago and the monodramas brought back some memories. It is so neat to see people transform into their "characters" expecially if you know them personally. The contrast is quite amazing and you would never expect it from certain people. All the performances were good today and I'm glad I got the chance to see them.


Working with my group for the midterm was great. We were all cooperative and made sure to do our parts. We managed to pick our scene out early and memorize lines early so we could practice the entire the scene weeks before our performance. April did a great job organizing our meeting times and making sure we knew the little theater tricks when saying our lines. Ii hae never acted before so it was weird thinking about having to "speak to the audience" rather than who you were saying your lines to. Our actual performance went well and I'm glad that we got to perform it on the main stage since it makes me much less nervous about our final. I think that our group will do great for our final and we've already started talking about what we are going to do.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Playing in the pit

I played in the pit for superman. I must start by saying that I really enjoy playing for musicals. However, one of the biggest drawbacks is that the music stays in your head and plays on repeat for a VERY long time afterwards. Also the time commitment was a bit much for me, but now that it's over I'm glad that I chose to participate in the musical. As far as the style of music goes, Superman was so much fun. The 60's power ballads were my favorites to play and Maura did such a great job on stage. It was so nice to see the tile Music Soars in Superman from one of the local papers. That makes it all worth it.

Superman Lecture

I really enjoyed the superman lecture because we go to hear from everyone involved, rather than just one person talking for all of class. This prevented my ADD from getting too out of control and it was so neat to understand how the pieces fit together for the musical. I never realized how many different aspects there were to plays. To have to coordinate lighting and choreography, music and costumes all at once is quite a feat. I must also say that I was glad that I got to listen to Gary lecture because I take voice lessons from him and work for him but I have never had the chance to sit in on one of his classes. My favorite part of the lecture/ talks about superman were the scene design talks, because I love the idea of trying to put a comic book like feel up on stage. I never got to see the show because I played in the pit, but the set looked pretty amazing.

Monday, October 8, 2007


Friday's lab was interesting. My group made characters from the Tempest which I haven't read so I just went along with what the others were doing. I'm glad that we are going back to regular labs. Hopefully we will be able to use the time to work on our midterm performances. I've never really done any acting before so the more time I get to work on it less nervous I'll be. Also, I'll feel like I'm actually putting my time to good use rather than feeling like I'm in Kindergarten again.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

set design

The most important thing for me designing the set would be to have a clear pathway devoid of set pieces yet surrounded by them to signify the path that Antigone has been set by destiny. The other characters could use and interact with the other set pieces and cross antigones path, but never actually go down that specific path. I'm not sure whether I would want it straight up the center of the stage or diagonally across the stage. Either one would be affective.

Another important aspect of the play would have to be the costumes and how they interacted with the surroundings. I might have antigone stand out by dressing her in a different color than everyone else. Most importantly the costumes would be necessary to match the set since this is a newer version of the play and it was difficult to imagine the new setting in France since I had seen the original play a while back. Cigarettes would also be a significant prop if only because that is what made the era stand out to me as seperate from the original.