Monday, September 3, 2007


While reading the play Fences I felt very little sympathy towards Troy. Instead I found myself siding with the rest of the family, especially after Troy returns with his bastard child. While I respected Troy's character and his views towards responsibility, it was still dificult for me to understand his choices. However, after today's lecture I found myself re-assessing Troy's position, applying the comparison of the toddler we discussed in class. Knowing the historical background and understanding its place in this play allowed me to feel sympathy for Troy. His reactions to Cory and Rose seem much more grounded, whereas I had originally felt that they were overprotective and disrespectful.

I was able to find humanness in all the character's except for Alberta. Even though she isn't an active character in the play, I felt she was one of the most important characters. Her effect on the other characters was tremendous and it is her relation with Troy that completely shapes the entire second act and gives it drama.

All in all, I enjoyed reading the play but I probably would not enjoy watching it.

1 comment:

pinoyARTS said...

I wonder why you don't think you would enjoy watching it. It's been shown on PBS so you can watch James Earl Jones play Troy.